Good day friends!
There are times in life when you need to give something, but often we can't think of what it is! The Green Ecco Moss campaign will help you with this. We make a lot of products that are ideal for a gift to absolutely everyone, moreover, it will be inexpensive and tasteful.
The first universal option is a planter with moss. We have 21 pots, they will suit both boys and girls. Planters have a mesmerizing effect, they look cool in the workplace. They do not take up much space, which is a great option if you need something small and very beautiful. Browse through all the options of planters in our store and choose the best option for yourself, and we, in turn, guarantee the quality of the product and its durability. Let me remind you that the products do not need care and watering, and to increase durability, you need to adhere to 40-55% moisture in the room.

The second option is roses. The best gift for women. We can provide you with as many as 9 options to choose from. Often we give bouquets of roses, but they fade quickly enough and completely lose their beauty. The best choice is to buy roses on a stem! They are simply gorgeous and also do not fade, they do not need water. Present such roses and no matter how much time passes, the roses will be the same as at the time of purchase.

The third option is a moss panel. Here your fantasy is your best friend. We have a huge range of different panels and paintings. But still a couple of recommendations: a tree with GEM moss, a picture of their stabilized moss, a picture of reindeer moss and fern.
