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In this blog, you will learn what moss impregnation is, why it is needed and how it differs from partial.😏
Let's start with the fact that impregnation is the same stabilization process (replacement of natural plant sap with a harmless chemical solution based on glycerin or salt). But what is the difference between impregnations. ⬇
Full impregnation.

We see that with complete impregnation, the whole plant is colored, which gives a bonus to the fact that you can break the moss and it will still be as presentable as possible. 🔆
What are the other features of complete impregnation?
1) Full impregnation takes longer to produce.
2) More material consumption
3) Dries longer in the drying phase
4) High level of labor intensity
5) Moss is at least 2 times heavier
Partial impregnation.

Here the situation is completely opposite. It can be seen that only the surface of the moss is stained, but not all of the moss.✨
1) Less time and labor spent on manufacturing
2) Faster drying phase
3) Less material consumption
4) Such moss must not be broken, otherwise unpainted roots will be visible.
5) Moss is light, not very elastic, but enough to make decor

As you can see, each option has its pros and cons. When making your choice, carefully consider the idea of your project and make the right choice, by the way, Green Ecco Moss managers can help you with this.
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